Texas Spring Cleaning-Warning 56K (lots of pics) Products used: Gloss-It Extreme cut for hood and rear hatch, Gloss-It One-Step for remainder of body, EVP pad prime, Gloss-It Evolution Polish, Gloss-It Gloss Finish, Gloss Enhancer detail spray. Top of hood Passenger side door Holla at ya boy!!! Professionally tail tinted using automotive paint and automotive clear coat so yeah it got worked on too These were taken before Evo Polish and Gloss finish...too much Pollen outside today to pull Jeep back out while working
Bad ass big pimpin. Love yo shit!! You, me, and Tony should get together sometime and have a detailer's drunken detail convention!!! Nothin but beer and buffers!!! Jeep looks kickass fo real homie. :yes:
WOW. In the first pic I was trying to figure out WTF kind of contraption you had on your windshield...it's a reflection!!!