Naw guys, that percentage figure is based upon the stock HP. The drive train loss is a fixed number more or less. So if it takes 70hp to roll, it takes 70hp to roll.
This is going into Mr. West's 2009 SRT8 Manual so we are basing it at a 15 to 18% loss. We will find out shortly
It take X amount of horse power (torque) to make the wheels on the buss go round and round. That amount of parasitic lose does not change with an increase in horse power. So another words. The stock motor makes 425 crank HP, we know from many dyno's, the average rear wheel HP number is in the 360's. So, it roughly takes 60-70hp to keep the short buss rolling down the road. If the motor makes 2000HP, it still only takes 70hp to roll down the road. Figure 10-12% on the manny. Did you guys drop a clutch package in it Carlos??.
Takes so many HP to turn a water pump, so many horsepower to turn an alternator at full charging output, so many HP to turn the tranny, shaft and rear end, etc. etc.....As your HP goes up, the parasitic drag does not, so the percentage of loss goes down in relation.......... EDIT: OOPS.....Cam beat me to it!
Thanks for clearing that up. However that is assuming that everything is functioning at 100%. The percentage loss is best used when you are figuring in the inconsistantacy of products. Specifically Transmissions (including clutches and converters) Your method will produce similar numbers in ideal situations. What it really boils down to is an old argument of which method is best, and there really is no perfect answer. (kinda like dynojet vs mustang dyno) Different numbers each time but in the end the performance is the same when out on the road Your method does make complete sense though
+1...C-Los if you haven't done better call Lisa and get a Ram Clutch and Flywheel ordered for that bad boy!
Nice job guys! Keep it up. Looking forward to seeing this thing on the road. A standing ovation from Stack Performance....
Thanks Ryan!! We know that you know what it is all about!! Thanks to everyone else as well. I am not sure that we have received a standing ovation yet. . . but thats what we are here for!! :tip: :beerchug: