Bubblehead! Special Warfare unit in the US Navy. Nuke EM5/SS Served from 1985 to 1991. Medically DQ'd and released.
US Army 95B (Military Police) basic: Fort McCullen, Alabama, Aug 1983 then 2nd MP, 2nd Div, Camp Pelham Korea 1984-1985 then Yuma Proving Ground, Yuma AZ 1985-1987
Camp Mobile. About 10 miles from the DMZ (as the crow flies) We were the attack helicopter company attatched to 5/17 Cav (armored) The main body of the Battalion was much closer. Seoul was fun, for a weekend. Way more expensive then the little town outside our camp. I cant remember the name. Pretty sure I couldn't spell it if I did remember it. LOL
Yup, I have been to Camp Mobile many times while I was in Korea (95). I was at Camp Castle. The most Northern deployed unit to a Communist Country. lol You guys on the DMZ used to hate us for that. We were 7 miles from the boarder and got the glory of having the above statement written on our NCOER's. hehe I was in from 87 - 96
ahha Nope. Camp Casey and Humphries was about as big as they got. lol Go get you some dogogie on a stick. hahahaha
No Pilots?? US Army 1968 1971 Active Duty 1976-1985 Active Reserve CW4, Senior Aviator AH-1G (Cobra), UH-1 (Huey) RVN 1969-70 Ahn Khe, Pleiku, Kontum, Dak To, Ben Het, and points West. Panther 222, Gator 13, Bikini 27, "Red Lead" Hunter AAF 1970-71 Cobra Weapons Instructor, VNAF UH-1 Transition Instructor, MedEvac "We were winning and then they sent us home" 2006 SRT8 Silver (bought it yesterday!!) 1995 Impala SS (70k orignal miles)
First off, THANK YOU for your service. :usflag: Secondly, welcome to the "C" and congrats on your purchase. You will NOT be disappointed.
9-76 to 8-82 service connected disabled vet. 76-79 Amberg Germany 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment border patrol 79-80 Ft Hood 1st Cav 80-82 Germany again - back in the 2nd ACR
wow i cant believe i never chimed in here.. ok well.. here we go SGT Gregg Kunkle. U.S. Army 13F20L7 (ill explain shortly) i have never done my job. The job i do does not even have an MOS in the army. I do PSD, or Personal Security Detail. IOW i do secret service type work for high ranking military officials June 2004- September 2004 Fort Sill OK basic/ait September 2004- November 2005 Fort Hood Texas November 2005- December 2006 Camp Liberty Iraq December 2006- April 2007 Fort Hood Texas APRIL 2007-May 2007 Fort Sill Oklahoma JOINT FIRES OBSERVER COURSE (L7 Additional Skill Identifier) May 2007- November 2007- Fort Hood Texas November 2007-February 2009 Camp Liberty Iraq February 2009- June 2009- Fort Hood Texas June 2009- Present Fort Carson Colorado Presently getting ready for the Staff SGT (E6) board that will be happening in next few months (had all my promotion points for E6 when i went to the E5 board)
Damn Gregg, you really like Fort Hood, don't you? haha I HATE Killeen. lol 13F, eh? Your primary is a canon calker, yet you guard the post General. nice.. haha Busting your ballz man.
lol yepp all i do is go find targets to blow up... but since this no longer is a conventional ground war, they find other things to do with us.... luckily i didn't get the admin jobs, flipping slides for some dickhead captain or major fort hood/ killeen.. not so much i hate that fucking area. couldnt wait to get out of that area.. so when they said hey your going to carson i was like...
USAF 1986-present I think i need to retire, im getting to old for this shit!!! been deployed to every place known to man!