It's funny, the only people really talking about this are out of staters, not us Californicators. 5.8, eh, so what, a walk in the park. Talk to me when it gets over 7, then maybe I'll pay attention. Besides, as Wade well knows, 5.8 is what you get from just a couple of fat chicks walkin by, lol!!!!!
I hope all our Cali members area all ok. I have been caught in 3 earthquakes in my lifetime, all in Europe, scared the piss out of me I was like WTF?!?!?
I never could figure out why some people freaked at a little shaking. Hell, the best part is, when we get home.......everything will be laying there. :bigwink: was downgraded to a 5.4....weaksauce. I was near the epicenter of a 6.8 more then once on Guam.....when the transformers next to my house blew up. THAT was a scary experience.
I was about 5 miles from epicenter. It was a real andreline pumper to be that near the quake. I have been thru quite a few but never near epicenter. 5.8 is bigger than you think if you are that close to it. My wife said the cat was going crazy, running around the house meowing, for about 30 minutes before it hit. My cat usually is flopped out on the floor sleeping.
Net.. glad to hear you and the family are OK.. for them most part we (LA/SD generic we) came out unscathed.. and it was mid day when most people are up an about.. lot folks who were driving in the So Bay (HB/MB area) did not even feel it. now the So Cal rumblers in 71, 87 and 94 quakes in LA rocked.... todays quake was 2 flags on the 6 flag meter... (more flags .. more fun) when your butt gets tossed out of bed you know you in for some shakin...
Listen... enough of the bullshit trying to cover-up for people... the reason for the quake was Ryan dropping his lunch box.
I've been in SD for just over 6 years... this got my attention, but the one's that'll make you shit your pants are the ones where there is a 'certain noise' associated with a quake... especially at like 2 am. For those that don't know the sound: Back east, you'd get those BIG thunder claps that'd vibrate the walls of the house... well, THAT AIN'T SHIT! Picture God dropping an entire freight train outside your front door all the way from heaven! Now that'll make your butt pucker! And you can hear the damned thing coming a second or so before it really hits! A low rumble then BAM! Yeah, my first experience with that was "the fucking Chinese or Iranians just nuked San Diego!"
NO kidding waiving those ding dongs and yohoos at the women comin out of Weight Watchers would do more damage:bigwink:
Oh God Wade, I just noticed that line in your sig bout Stevo's commute .... HAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a wussy he is huh, hahahhahaha, I should put the same quote in my sig! Would you mind?? Lol!