Right here in the Inland Empire. Corona....also known as Circle City. One of the citys with original "in city" racing on the Grand Blvd. circle. International race events were held here in 1913, 1914, and 1916. Trying to get an Inland Empire meet and greet started.
That's some attendance sheet you got going there, stitch! You know what would be cool (now that you've already done all this, HaHAA!) would be seeing what ride everyone was driving. Huh? :tomato:
Some day, someday, not everyone has put down there rides thats why I opted out of doing it to start maybe after we platau and if everyone enters there rine make? now I've just made more work myself.
I guess we should, add the two California totals together, since Baja California is south of us or Southern California is central Ca, central Ca would be upper central? Aaaah we'll leave it and just say we got 46 California members so far! How about someone starting a west of the rockies roll call.