So about 2 weeks ago the neon was hit with paintballs twice. I tried cleaning as much as I could see. The neon is my daily driver, so it was exposed to the elements during this time so car washes were quick and done at night and often after driving to work the car looked like crap right after. Well yesterday I decided to do a good clean during the day and there is still pink paintball mist all over the back. It feels like chewing gum now. How can I clean this crap off? :doh:
In an inconspicuous location, use one of the following... WD40, Lighterfluid, or laquer thinner... Once you use one of these products, it is a MUST that you treat that area with new coats of wax... R
if its gummy you can try a road tar/sap remover...there are some pretty serious ones out there that got some pretty nasty stuff off of my truck that i can get you the name of if you want to try them first since they are a little easier on the clear coat...
WD-40 works the best, but you can also try a solution of vinegar and water. This also works really well for removing hard water spots.
DO NOT USE LAQUER THINNER! Its one of the solvents in auto paint. It will literally start to dissolve your paint. WD-40 is fine, but I would start with using a clay bar on it. The paint ball mist is on top of the paint. The clay bar's job is to remove contaminants on top of the paint.
Give a clay bar a shot. Then try a compound. Its on the surface and it should be water based, most likely will be a simple clean-up.
hope you get it! ive seen paintballs allowed to sit too long on car paint and it eventually caused serious damage