ok, fine, I guess I can wait maybe not . Best I can see that Tranzformer thing let's you pick your shift points and line pressure/firmness (but not more than you would have at WOT) and you can do it for each gear (1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 or on the way down). For the track I can't see much advantage to having different shift points for different gear transitions. You're probably going to want them all at the same rpm. You're going to have the same firmness at WOT. Johan is going to have torque management cut back to whatever you want it at. Adjusting all that differently for the street I'm guessing is not so important for you. Even if it was you could have a street tune and a track tune. So the only thing I can see is maybe Johan can't raise your shift points above 6400? (can't you get a different cam?) The tradeoff is a good bit of electronic complexity, hacking the system with signals and messages and values and maybe changing some things and maybe neglecting other things that should be getting changed with them? For me, I'd go with the Tranzformer 'cause I'd want all that tweaking you could do for the street with different shift firmnesses for different gear shifts and different firmness up than down, etc., etc., but for you, maybe not so much? ok... I was just talking to myself there. I'm listening now
Yes Increase shift points to 6900ish. The cam i'm running peaks around 7000+, I live at 5800 to shift on the track after first gear. I'm trying to optimize performance from 2nd gear to trap. I asked, they do not support the TCM...my only real option at this point is this shift kit. It does work, just need to dial it in now.
Joe wrote this... See above and also the 500 RPM advantage. Just changed to this cam, and really love it's power range, this thing is just silly to drive, street and strip. Sorry, not really following you here...for me??? What is that supposed to mean?? For me...i like the adjustability, and the SWS feature. I'm an options kind of guy, i like full control of my destiny, with choices. :bye:
Why? It has plenty of power everywhere, and still pulling at 6500+. Have a dyno session scheduled in a couple weeks.
Because if the car shifts at 6500 and still makes power at 7k you are wasting power. Advance the cam,get more torque and HP down lower where you can use it.
Or, up the shift point to utilize the max power potential the cam offers...which is where I'm headed. An advance is good advice though, thanks E.
It's this kind of thing that worries me... I don't know anything about it but my understanding is this: The PCM can put the TCM in a number of different "modes". This is how/why the 5.7L guys can use the predator to select firmer shifts. The predator changes the parameters in that mode message that the PCM sends to select the 6.1L TCM mode. So I'd be just a little anxious (maybe not much) about something that is sending different commands at different times with different values, yada, yada without a detailed understanding of the system/programming. Something like a flow chart with all the messages, commands, values, etc. Sort of shooting in the dark might work fine but then there is always some unknown risk and diagnosing problems and glitches can be difficult. So any time there's a cleaner, more straightforward alternative of achieving some goal it's usually the better way to go even if you sacrifice a bit or leave a little bit on the table. Maybe I'm just too conservative. But I'm glad there are guys like you out there working out the kinks . OK, so after all that we still don't know why it made the 3-4 shift before the line. 1-2 shift was short (5700) 2-3 shift was where it was expected? (6500) 3-4 shift was where ??? (looks like it was close to 5800) Whatever happened in the first 2 shifts, you shifted from 3-4 right about at 116 mph.
I'm a hair splitter too, and yea, you're probably correct...this cam would likely still be pulling good power past 7k, but it's peak torque is much lower than that. If I can spin to 6800 and live from 5800-6800 on the track, should yield some nice ET's. What I really need to focus on next is off the line traction. LSD is desperately needed, along with some strip only sticky rears. 20" anything just ain't gunna cut it.
I understand your concerns....thanks. Not 100% on 3-4...when i tested Sunday, it was on public roads, and didn't want to risk a 120 MPH ticket, so I only pulled two gear changes then let off...have to wait until I go to the track again. (hopefully tomorrow night) I plan on making at least 3 quality MPH passes, not looking to set a PB in ET, mainly checking shift points and trap speed. 1 pass TZF kit disabled in Drive 1 pass with TZF kit enabled in Drive. 1 pass with TZF kit enabled while running in Autostick and the TZF shifting for me at 6800ish.
You're going to log right? instead of just eyeballing? or does the Transzformer take up the OBDII diag port. We're only pretty sure nothing is slipping right?
I'm not convinced it shifted....could have just been the converter unlock for a second. Without good datalogs down the track to see rpm vs mph this is all just speculation.
Yea, pretty sure. With the TZF off, it shifts 1-2 at 6500ish and 2-3 at 6500ish. The TZF kit T-taps onto the bus...OBD port is usally filled with the Aeroforce Interceptor, but yes sir, will log. Only problem I have is I can only log one run...my laptop crapped out last year and haven't replaced. I will try and borrow one, but if I can't, i'll just log my last run.
If you get a few minutes between runs you can write down the info. shift point initiation and completion should be pretty easy to spot. For each shift point initiation -- rpm and mph For each shift point completion (in case TC hasn't stalled) -- rpm and mph I sort of remember you can replay on the predator? so you can just watch the numbers and stop it where the rpms cut off and where they pick up again (top and bottom of a shift)
Maybe I misunderstood what you wrote...I thought you were in question if it shifted into 4th during a 1/4 mile pass. The answer is yes, it definitely did.