I have 3.23s Kyle and I go throught the traps in 3rd. You can see it here: http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/...as 08-14-10/?action=view¤t=M2U00033.mp4 (ya ya...7000 DA will do that to ya )
Thanks for confirming big guy...I was trapping in 3rd @ about 5500 RPM also until my recent changes, but my final ratio never changed. Still running 28" tall DR's and stock 3.06's.
Watch here, you can here it shift, JUST pre-trap, it's about 50' out. http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/kmr082671/?action=view¤t=526fda02.mp4
listening to the run sounds like your tranny is slipping revs sounded like they climbed when it shifts.
lmao...nice Ron. Here is a vid I took last night...in 3rd and 4th holding about 25 MPH and put pedal to the floor...sorry in advance about the quality. http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/kmr082671/?action=view¤t=c5b69a84.mp4
Yea, tranny or lock up clutch in converter...i think it's the converter. Still haven't logged a WOT run, but I did do a little testing before I shot that vid... Pushed ESP partially off (1 press)...left easy in Autostick in 1st...rolled out to about 10 MPH and stuck it....Tires chirpted and i launched, watching the RPM's, it shifted pre 6k...couldn't tell exactly though.
log it... log it... log it... :cry: Digital you can't pay attention to while you're busy going fast and the analog will lag. Remember when everybody was positive they were short shifting after the shift TSB? ...until they checked it with a Starscan?
You need to do a datalog(part throttle and WOT).....only thing I saw in the video is the car lugging with a locked converter. Did you log any runs at the track?
I hear ya. I meant to, does that count? I just haven't had any free time, to log...the only time i've driven it was last night for less than 2 miles... Any specific PID's besides the obvious? Thanks Erik.
rpm,mph,total knock retard for starters. Then you can add whatever your tuner wants....but I like those 3 for a quick glance at the track.
Yea, i gotcha there, meant more along the TC slip lines or input shaft speed vs output shaft speed...tranny related PID's (if their were any). I hit Johan with the same question, and he replied with: So, really all I can watch is shift points, which will tell me something, just not to sure what yet...
rpm, mph, throttle, gear, and mode (open loop, closed loop), if yours does that. I know the predator does rpm, mph, and throttle. not sure about the other two. Should tell you where the problem is but won't differentiate between the TC or Trans if something is slipping. You will be able to tell if something is slipping, when, and how much by comparing rpm and mph at any point (and a number of points) on the graph. Compare actual to calculated. At a given rpm in a particular gear you should be doing a particular mph. If the logged mph doesn't match the calculated mph at some rpm then something in the driveline is slipping. Note: if your tires are slipping the mph is still good. This all assumes the mph is being taken after the trans. I'm pretty sure (it was a few years ago...) we determined the mph is taken off the output shaft of the trans? I'm positive it's not off the front wheels like the old days 'cause you can see it when you break traction. If it's simply short shifting you'll see that from the rpm graph and you can look to the tune (or whatever shifter gimmick you might be using).
Yea, i understand that, no problem. How will i be able to differentiate between, trans clutches or converter clutches. I've made about 7, decent to good, passes last two outings all with my "gimmick", and all shifted to 4th...I will log and check what's going on with both gimmick and stock...Just for you Dave.
haha. No need for that right away probably. If it's simply short shifting it's either the gimmick or the tune. If that's the case, it is highly unlikely it's the tune. I'll see if I can dig up my list of PIDS to see if there is anything between the TC and the trans. I'm almost positive there is. The car does a lot of "sanity" checks and I believe it compares trans input shaft rpm to trans output shaft rpm. The question is if it reports that in a PID retrievable through the OBDII port. Probably does. Then you would have to find a scanner that supports that.
i remember my Aeroforce does...I'll locate that PID on their and see what it gives me...may be just a voltage reading, may be a percentage...Problem there is, what is considered normal versus... When I log, I will do some with the shift kit and without.
Logged a 2 gear change run with shift kit enabled...1-2 shifted at 5700ish, 2-3 was 6500ish. Logged with shift kit disabled....1-2 shifted at 6500ish, 2-3 same thing, 6500ish. Did it a few more times on and off with same result...Okay, found problem. I PM'd Joe (inventor of the TranZformer) I'll mess with the predator and Paddle Mode options tonight...trying to get back to track for TnT night this Wednesday.
ummm... while the 1-2 shift is a problem the one we were looking at was the 3-4 shift. You said, with the shift kit enabled, the 2-3 shift was ~6500. I would expect the 3-4 shift to be the same? better question: what is it that you're expecting this "shift kit" to do for you above what the predator raised shift points isn't? and Johan did your tune. I expect he already reduced torque management around the shifts. If this "shift kit" does not have a mechnical component like a valve body or caps or something you should be doing everything in your base tune instead of sticking other stuff on top of it.
Okay, mode 1 bounces. All I have to do is adjust the shift point to not bounce or hit the limited. Right now it's bouncing. I need to move the shift to 6700 and see where it shifts.