Had a great time, good weather, nothing broke. I do have one issue, shifting to 4th about 50' pre trap. Have Raised shift points and still happening. Tried using the TranZformer shift kit module to up the Shift points, not 100% sure that's working...need to log, meant to and forgot. Stock weight (no reduction whatsoever) Stock wheels Stock tranny Stock open differential Nitto 315/35/20 NT05R's @ 18 PSI Right lane Here is a run afterward, didn't get the PB on vid... http://s41.photobucket.com/albums/e288/kmr082671/?action=view¤t=526fda02.mp4
Thanks everyone... Yea, I do think I could do better, the car has a good 2 tenth left in it, with the traction being the limiting factor. I have to quick pedal the car and live on the edge of breaking loose, would be nice to just stab and go with full power....Nothing a Wavetrack or OS Giken won't fix...hopefully But, with my recent changes and mod money spent, it will have to wait for another time.
Well done Kyle! They are building a track 2 hours from my house and it will be finnished in june, have to try... Fredrik
Thanks man! Good luck with it Fredrik, it can be very frustrating, and also very rewarding...Double edged sword sometimes.
WTG Mud DaWG. What size tire are you running? lol I used to hit 4th just before the trap as well when I was using the BFG 295 DR's. The tire was at 26". Once I put the 305's on, no more premature ejaculation. Wait! What?
If you still have the stock tranny and rear ratios then you're shifting early (or something is slipping). Like under 6000 rpm. 315/35/20 == 28.68" (at 100+ they're probably going to be full height even without any air in them.) @ 6000 RPM: 1st == 46.6 mph 2nd == 76.4 mph 3rd == 118.7 mph @ 6150 RPM: 1st == 47.8 mph 2nd == 78.3 mph 3rd == 121.6 mph @ 6400 RPM: 1st == 49.7 mph 2nd == 81.5 mph 3rd == 126.6 mph
Well... Let's say it's shifting at 6000. It's going to initiate the shift just a little bit before that. I don't know, maybe a mph or two before that? Maybe something is slipping? Only 2 choices there (unlikely you are losing traction). TC or Trans. Is the TC locked up? Log your RPMs and MPH and it should all be clear . The numbers above assume: 1.41:1 -- 3rd gear ratio 3.06:1 -- rear end ratio pm me an email addr and I'll send you my handy dandy spreadsheet. change any value in the yellow area and it calculates everything else. first page is for mph given an rpm and second page is rpm given mph. ie. at 116mph you should be turning 5866 in 3rd or 4160 in 4th. lol, sounds like a shift schedule for the 5.7L?
[email protected] It's more like 5000 in 4th....Might be time for a transmission and verter freshening. It is not shifting at 6k...I tested it on the way home and it is close to, or over 6.5k...I guess some logs will tell me for sure.
Might be time for that Paramount rebuild kit. Haven't had a chance to log or even drive the car this Mothers Day weekend. Will soon though.
Badfreakinass brutha!!!! You're fuckin killin' it man!!! The fact that you're running those times on a stock diff, is just amazing, lol. Fuggin peg-leg......
Thanks man, i wish I had an extra 10k to drop into this car...it's got a lot of potential left in it. I have the power, just need to lighten it up some and buy a drive line...i'll get there, just not as quick as I'de like.
Nice times and great 60'. Shifting at 5000?? Odd...Have you tried "Raised Shift Points" in Predator quick adjust? Have you tried using the Predator function for holding the gear (no auto up-shift) in Auto-Stick and manually shifting before the rev limiter?
Before I left to go to track, i got a new tune that day from Johan, he made some WOT AFR adjustments, when I installed it, I chose modify tune, and made sure my shift points were raised. Even if was set to stock (6200) it should still be in 3rd. I didn't disable auto upshift and try that, but my fastest time came from running in Autostick and letting the car shift...in D, it lost a little MPH gained ET. Here is a comparison of the two runs: Drive Autostick 1.662 1.664 4.852 4.825 7.516 7.473 94.26 94.80 9.817 9.762 11.758 11.694 116.14 116.86 I haven't been able to test anything yet, Mothers day weekend was stupid busy...Had a ball game last night and another tonight, then tomorrow eve my oldest has Dance and my youngest has T-ball, the next day I have another game, then T-ball the next...I hope I can get a little free time and play with it soon. Andy at PWR suggested I do a little road test to test the torque converter lock up. Put it in 3rd at 25mph and stick it, then again in 4th. He said at that speed, RPM should barely climb and be constant...Mine rose by about 1000 RPM's. Looking like the converter clutch is slipping??