I figure that the best people to ask are my fellow SRT owners cause you know how it is to own one of these awesome MOPARs.... As some of you know, my cousin is taking care of my Charger while I'm deployed and I have also installed the Road Runner horns on there. (did you get those yet ChargerGirl? LOL) So now she has named my Charger, "Road Runner" which of course has given me an idea... Here is my question: Do you guys think I should run with the whole, "Road Runner" theme or wait and see if Chrysler is going to bring that back like the rumor mill is saying they are planning to do with the 'cuda?
Do it...then, if Dodge does bring back the Roadrunner, you can say they got the idea from seeing your car. LoL! :bigwink: Seriously, it is your car, so go with what feels right to you. If you want to run with the Roadrunner idea run with it. Or, if you want to wait, wait. ( But, at one point, I heard Dodge was going to do a convertible Challenger. LoL! )
I say.. Go for it... Its your car... Make it the way you like it Just don't be too surprised when some of the older fellas give you a little crap about it tho... but I doubt you will run into too many of them if u dot plan on showing it at car shows..
I plan on showing her. Mostly at local one and any regional ones that I'm actually not on duty or deployed or in the field that I can go to. Besides... I don't really go to shows to win. I do it just cause I like showing her off and looking at the other rides.
I got with billet technology and I have already sent them the designs that I want to use on the engine dress up kit and the sill plates. Waiting on a response. Just need to find a company to do the decals for the exterior and find Jina's contact info.
Here is what Billet Technology has gotten done so far on my order. Getting over $1,000 worth of bling.... 600819_10150953302343260_1324963806_n by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr
.... and here is what I had Jina's do for me. Got it enroute back already installed on the console cover... AMartinez_01 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr
This arrived in the mail yesterday at my cousins and she was quick to get it installed and to take pics... 1342065901147-1 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr 1342065753760 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr
It is your car, you are entitled to do whatever you want, and I have had this car more than 7 years and I have never made up my mind what to do with her in terms of customization. So now she's like a museum piece of "what Chargers look like without all the changes" if you ignore the mods I've made out of necessity (CF C-pillar covers), and that aren't cosmetic (swaybars and Zoomers). For a while it was like Ron was always having the ideas I'd have had if I'd thought of them first and I HATE copying other people, so here I am with the "boring" Charger. LOL Anyhow, I look forward to seeing your RoadRunner at SF9. :dance4:
BUT WAIT!!!! there's MORE!!! finally got her plastidipped..... 535923_563983033634050_428806293_n by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr 544957_563983093634044_1187146019_n by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr 10102_563983136967373_529676081_n by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr DSC01298 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr DSC01299 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr IMG_20130504_191331 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr
oh yeah.... also put blue LEDs for the interior lights.... DSC01297 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr DSC01296 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr DSC01294 by Rec 26 (SGT HEMI), on Flickr
Also...you ever think about plasti-dipping or powdercoating the rims black? I figure with the black stripes on the blue car, black rims would be a very nice finishing touch, IMO.