MAJOR PEDDERS EVENT IN iNDIANAPOLIS! SATURDAY, MARCH 20TH. MEET PETE MAJOR PEDDERS EVENT IN INDIANAPOLIS! SATURDAY, MARCH 20TH. MEET PETE I am VERY excited to announce a major Pedders Day, Saturday, MARCH 20th in Indianapolis, In. Pete will be there! THIS IS AN OFFICIAL PEDDERS EVENT! Location and contact Info. Raymond's Alignment 3828 Clarks Creek Road Plainfield, In. 46168 Bruce Raymond is contact [email protected] (317)838-7112 Why is this event cooler than normal? The answer is the reason Pete will be there!! Raymond's has significantly expanded their operation and has hired new people. Pete will be arriving there Saturday, the 20th, to give sales and product training, AND TO PERFORM THE FREE 28 POINT INSPECTIONS!, We are looking for certification vehicles for the following:a. 2010 Camaro b. GTO c. G8 d. Any of the LXs; Challengers, Chargers, 300c's Magnums, etc Call Bruce and he can discuss making your ride a certification vehicle. We will schedule certification Track systems on these vehicles. Benifits of a Certification Vehicle 1. A Certification vehicle is actually the most accurate, technically perfect install that can be done! The focus is accuracy and procedures, and not speed. 2. If you desire, they will give you a photo essay of your build to show your buddies. Just tell them how many pcitures you would like. This is optional but available if you would like it. 4. We will give you a KILLER parts and labor discount. You will get 10% off parts and labor, and free shipping on the parts they install. 5. We will have you show off your sweet ride on our Pedders day because it will be one of our showcase rides. 6. YOU WILL ALSO HAVE PRIORITY DELIVERY OF YOUR PEDDERS PARTS THE GREAT PEDDERS DAY EVENT, SATURDAY THE 20TH! 1. Pedders Days are great fun. You get to show off your sweet rides, and shoot the bull with guys just as anal and fanatic as you. LOL 2. We will have a contest with Trophies for the Best Looking, Best Mechanical and Best Overall ride.. So spit shine your beauty and bring her down!! 3. We will feed you well!! 4. You will have the opportunity to chat with Pete and see his Camaro if the weather holds out 5. You will be given 10% off parts and labor for all Pedders Parts ordered or purchased on this day only!! 6. If time allows, we can have free technical seminars on product issues and concerns with open discussions for all. 7. We will do our best to have vehicles for you to take rides in! THE FREE PEDDERS 28 POINT INSPECTION BY Pete!!! 8. If space allows, see Pete do a 100 yard burnout!! Everyone who wants it, can have a free Pedders 28 Point Inspection, and you will be by my side seeing everything that Pete will see with accurate explanations so you can easily understand!! Every Pedders Day we have ever done, there has been at least 1 ride that proves there is a GOD! As the GTOs and LXs get older. It is better to know, than to prey every night that everything is OK!! HONEST! What was the Biggest Pedders Day in History? November 2006. I had 106 GTOS present and I think Pete and I did over 40 inspections for everyone. The Indianapolis market is seriously larger than the SF market, plus only included GTOs! Now Pedders is the premier Suspension System Manufacturer for GTOs, G8s, LXs, and of coarse the new Camaro; Plus soon to be the new Mustang! Those of you that think you are good weasels can try and out talk Pete into talking about special projects Pedders is working on. You can at least try!! SO WHAT CAN BE DONE IF YOU ARE NOT IN TOWN THAT DAY We understand not everyone can be in town for this great event. So what can be done? 1. You can come in during he week by appointment only for your 28 pt inspection or technical advise, and order your parts and still get the full advantages of our Pedders Day, and having Raymonds check out your ride 2. If you cannot come in during the week, or our Pedders Day, you can call Bruce, tell him when you can come in, and he will see if we can honor the benefits of this great event. So FREE INSPECTIONS, FREE FOOD AND DRINK FREE CAR SHOW TROPHIES TO THE BEST OF 3 CARS AS DESCRIBED ABOVE LIFETIME WARRANTIES ON PARTS WHEN ORDERED AND INSTALLED BY RAYMONDS GREAT DISCOUNTS FREE ADVISE ON YOUR SUSPENSION UPGRADES FREE TECHNICAL SUSPENSION ADVISE WE WILL HAVE OUR FAMOUS XA COIL OVERS AVAILABLE ON SITE FOR THIS GREAT EVENT PEDDERS AND RAYMONDS WILL EQUAL TONS OF FUN!! Just how much fun can we have??? Any questions, just ask! thanks mike dms