As the title says I GOT TO RACE MY CAR WOO HOO! Still pumped as anything and cannot wait to go again. Conditions were great, not very busy and car performed perfect (until the last run more on this shortly). Since having the car built to its current spec I have simply not been fortunate enough to race the car until now and boy can I tell you the wait was worth it. I am still smiling. Even though I wasn't expecting too much yet I was very happy with what I did achieve yesterday. Whilst I am still smiling and excited still the day was not without incident. I was only able to get 5 passes made before I lined up for the 6th and I was done for the day. The runs first.... Run 1 14.614 @ 101.96mph Very nervous/excited and just a very easy run to get 1 on the board. The nervousness almost halved by the end of the track and I went straight around to make pass number 2 Run 2 12.66 @ 113.93mph Still very easy off the line and most of the way giving it just a bit after the 1/2 way mark. Probably saw almost half throttle at most....chicken Run 3 12.039 @ 124.04mph Still very easy off the line and to 1/2 track but put the foot into it a little more before crossing the line. Was feeling a little more confident and happy to push a bit harder next run Run 4 11.626 @ 130.66mph Still not pushing off hard at the start and really staying off the power till about half track but pushing harder again this one thereafter. Car feeling great and very stable. Run 5 11.368 @ 131.01mph Decided to push a little harder a little earlier this time, still no where near full throttle at any point, maybe half to 3/4 at most. Car really felt quicker on this run and my mate in the stand said he heard the foot get into it as well. Sounded great, felt great, decided to pit the car for half hour to cool down and just check over everything. Time slips for the 5 runs above Confidence is now right up there and I am wanting to get serious. Time for play is over. I drop the pressures a little more and proceed to line up. I do my burnout and stage. Have stalled it up for the first time, lights go green, I drop it and feel the car bite in unlike I have felt anything bite in before. I think here we go this will be awesome....then BANG! WTF! Car not moving and just revving. What the hell have I done. I select reverse nothing then realise maybe I have done a half shaft. I thought no way, these are DSS 1000hp stage 5 units, these don't break. Anyway pushed the car off the track, our tow truck came over and dragged me up and this is what I saw... Damn.... But you know what I was not angry or pissed off what so ever, I GOT TO RACE MY CAR...... Overall though I was extremely happy with what I managed to achieve so far and I am excited to see how well it goes with future outings. Car has a HELL OF A LOT left in it and cannot wait to use all of its potential. Definitely over the moon and hopefully I can get it sorted before next weekend as its on again. Stay tuned .
Wow! Looks like you built yourself a "spline checker pilot shaft" What rear end are you running under there? I like the half throttle/12 second times...LOL. What a monster.
Thanks mate. Half to 3/4 throttle only because I am still a chicken LOL! But I will get there. I am running the OEM diff with Quaife centre and DSS Level 5 half shafts (apparently rated to 1000hp). They lasted not even 1 launch....oops. All runs up to that last one were easy take offs, not even a slight amount of wheel spin. Load it up and BANG.... Its funny the marshalls that helped me push the car off the track, one of them said bad luck mate sorry to see this happen to you. I smiled and said I am not to concerned as I finally got to race my car and right now I am to excited with the day. They laughed and mentioned they had never seen anyone break their car before at the track and still be smiling LOL!
WOW!!! Good news, bad news. I broke 2 stock half shafts, can't imagine breaking DSS's on the 1st hard launch. Although if I remember right, DSS had problems with theire 1st generation of level 5 half shafts. Really look forward to your 1st pedal to the metal full pass.
Hey mate. I was surprised too but not as much as what has just happened. DSS has contacted me (just because of the post I made about my day out at the track) and they have stated that they are sending me out replacements tomorrow first thing to fix the problem.... WOW I cannot believe it, never in my life has someone or a company ever done anything like this for me before and I do not know what to say. To DSS THANK YOU SO MUCH! WOW unbelieveable! I feel so very fortunate.
Good deal. I had heard that DSS was replacing the older half shafts, both, not just one, after someone broke one, but that has been quite awhile ago though.
From what they explained to me yes they are sending out replacements for both sides. Great customer service if you ask me.
X1000! I am wondering if I have the same batch of DSS shafts...although I am only hovering around 500 ft/lbs of RWTq. Do you know when that batch was made? I bought mine around May 2008.
Welcome to the snapped 1/2 shaft club, mate. Glad you got to run the monster and I look forward to your next runs. 10'2 or 9's, here you come. You still need to work on your launch. 60' are way to high, but not too bad for the inaugural runs. Way to step up, DSS.
I would speak to DSS. From what I am told the early ones were the ones with issues. Best of luck Glad to be a member . 10's won't be a problem next time out, 9's are certainly possible but will take a bit to get there IMO (balls LOL!). 60' yeah not the best. I definitely was no where near going hard off the line, just gradually building in speed to about half track then giving it a bit more the rest of the way. Would of love to have seen my time after the launch I broke the shafts on, man did it bite in and launch...then snap LOL! And again, DSS way to go. They simply read my thread, sent me a pm, asked a question and said leave it with us we will send out replacements. What a great weekend. DSS FTW!
Wow, that is some serious power you are putting out! Fantastic of DSS to step up like this and doing it so fast, to bad about breaking the halfshaft but you seem happy enough about the weekend anyway. Really looking forward to the continuance of your times!:mains: Fredrik
very nice start!! i know the feeling of snapping an axle and not being pissed!! lol 131 mph trap speeds are no joke! that car has A LOT left to go!
Bitchen! That's some serious power you're putting down, sorry to hear about the shaft breaking, but props to DSS for stepping up. I've heard of a fair amount of them breaking, i hope they have it resolved now.
Thanks guys. Car will be back together this week then back out on the 6th May weather permiting. Stay tuned