I just wanted to let people know that if you have a Vortech supercharger on your Magnum you do not have to remove the head unit to clean the air filter. Just remove the headlamp and there is enough room to get the filter out that way. Much easier than removing the supercharger. I am waiting to get the new air filter tube that moves the filter into the wheel well, I know that it works on my Magnum, I was one of the test fit cars.
it is also cooler when you beat gto's, corvette's, and stuff like that in a wagon. ron even you have to admit that's cool!
Oh YES it is Ralph. lol I like it when Maureen takes those listed above out in her truck. hahaha Nothing like a Woman kicking the poop out of a punk kid or an old man. hehe
You said it MOL, X2!!!!!!! Best is beating a Mustang cause the usual punkazz tweenie-boy driver can't fathom the fact that his pride and joy just got stomped by a STATION WAGON!!! That dumbfounded look on their faces is priceless!
wondering why you went with supercharger and not the sts turbo's????? And what do you do in the snow with all that hp>
I can answer those. #1: Cause there isn't any good tuning options for the turbos yet. go ahead and flame away, but show me one track time, just one I ask izza: #2: The only white stuff in San Diego, Ca is what comes across the boarder. :shifty:
Cam, did you forget about me? I ran 32,000 miles on my turbo 300C, and just recently finished up a new system for the 5.7 Cherokee. I have not had any problem with tuning. Why do you feel tuning is any different of an issue on a turbo than on a supercharger. Here is a slip from an SRT-8 Cherokee I did some time ago. I guess I will have to dig out the slips from my 300C as well. You might want to check out the post I was asked to create on Part Throttle boost tuning in this section, it is a sticky at the top.
Gawd damn Tim, I didn't know this was you.....hahaha. No wonder you were giving out some great info, I saw part of your post in the other thread and was gonna get caught up on your new thread later today. You know I have the upmost respect for how far you've brought the tuning into play for our rides. But I'm still not impressed with what I've seen out of the turbo systems. In short, my impression of tuning the turbo's is right in line with how I feel about sticking a huffer a top a stock bottom end. But I am highly interested in your new tuning option, I just haven't had time over the last few months to get caught up. Maybe it's time to pick up the phone, it's been a while. TTL
I figured you would be shocked as to who it was! Yes it has been a long time, call anytime. I admit, I agree I have not been impressed with what's going on in FI tuning either, that's why I went the route I did, and probably why I don't have the issues either. Time will tell, it takes time to make in roads into the established norm, a little at a time!
becuase i have no previous experience with turbos and i do not have any extra room to have anything hang down under my car. vortech came to me with a sweet deal to r&d for them. there is no snow in san diego.