I have the utmost respect when talking to the PD, same level as the Judge except not "you honor", but definately "Yes Sir" and "No Sir". I grew up in the South (Memphis and north Mississippi) in the 60's and spent several summers in New Orleans and Chicago. So I know how to keep on my Ps and Qs when talking to the law......no matter what they say, I mantain showing utmost respect. Does the PD take offense to being called a COP? ..
1 of the redbeaners was a COP! Check out this response......(I would not want to run into him, kind of reminds me of the attitude of that cop in that video from Canton, OH. Way too much berserk screaming.) This type of response does not really fit with my original post at all. What I said does not at all seem something I should get shot for? Maybe HE should be the one to "grow up" (only used in reference to his similar response) and learn to resolve situations a little more maturely. 11secondmagnum2: Try to be a cop, with that attatude you would get Killed in 5 min. Grow the f*** Up!! ..
i havent given out reds for a long time and usually dont but two people just deserved a nice warm red bean for being so gay magnumrt05 for being such a shit talker and srt8madness for giving me a red for what he calls a bad joke funny everyone else thought it was funny guess he took it personally!
Some LEO's wear their job on their sleeves...Fuhget aboutit. FWIW, I thought it was fine, and made me laugh a little. no harm no foul(s). And George, like I mentioned over there, it always makes me smile and shake my head about that system when I see you post with all your red...internet gangs are funny.
Not that I'm aware of...?? LOL. I'm a deputy (county) with lots of officer (city) friends and we all refer to ourselves as cops... :shrug:
I wonder if getting a red bean fom a police officer is a misdemeanor,.....at least the equiv of a parking ticket I guess......lol But I guess it could be "manipulated" into a case of "Slander".... ..
MattR red beaned me a while back because I told him the best bang for the buck with this V6 would be to swap it out for a V8. Forget him, he is worthless just move on
And for all this time I thought all beans did was make one Fart??? Wow, throws a whole new spin on beans!! Red & Green alike - LOL I think the post was appropriate and the bean givers probably reacted out of some sort of personal insecurities. Otherwise, how would ya even know if one was a LEO or not? Of course, unless they've shared that info before Beans, Beans, the musical fruit, the mnore youeat the more you toot! Come on, you've all heard i .......... :ban: :ban: :mains: :ilovesrtc:,