I was sort of amazed. I have been on LxForums for MANY years and never got a red bean. So here is my case and I am looking for insight. I am posting it here because I would probably get red beaned again AT LxForums if I posted it again and I believe I will get a decent response here. So... The thread was from a member that was upset because he got a "ticket in the mail" for no front plate and tint. He knew he was in the wrong but was amazed at the fact of the "ticket in the mail". http://www.lxforums.com/board/f74/got-ticket-mail-276092/ I sort of posted an funny little diddy about the situation. Read the whole post before judging. ******* Cops are geting it easier every day. No need to hassle with a disgtruntled victim, just mail the ticket. No need to discuss the right and wrong of it, just mail the ticket. No need to get out of the car, just mail the ticket. No need to stop them, just mail the ticket. No need to explain anything, just mail the ticket. No need to hear your side of the story, just mail the ticket. No need to find out if the driver is the owner, just mail the ticket. Hire the handicapped! Now a cop can be deaf, dumb, and/or paraplegic. No wait he can't be deaf, he has to be able to hear that your music is too loud......so he can just mail the ticket. I imagine the ticket will also be increased for postage cost and handling? I had a Camnaro Z28 that was stolen. The thief had changed the VIN plate and had even gotten a few speeding and parking tickets in the car. Finally the cop writing a ticket noticed the silicone sealant coming out from under the VIN plate. I got the car back after 6 months with new wheels/tires and a few other mods. That never would have happened if the cop stayed in his car and just mailed the ticket. ******* The purpose of my post is based on the fact that in some situations I believe the cop should confront the violater. To also make sure he has found all the issues. (Pay attention to last 5 sentences at the end of my post.) My red beaners and their response: MattRMagnum: It was me that red beaned you for this utterly tasteless whine, in case you're curious. This next frigging red bean came 8 days after my post. 11secondmagnum2: Try to be a cop, with that attatude you would get Killed in 5 min. Grow the f*** Up!! By the way...I have since edited the post to keep from getting a red bean 2 years later.... Here is the edited version: ********** Section of former post removed because of lack of a few people who can take an obvious joke. I can''t believe getting red beans for something poetic that was not against any member or vender and did not violate any forum rules. This forum has really changed over the years. I thank the people that saw it for what it was and "liked" it. End of the original post... I had a Camnaro Z28 that was stolen. The thief had changed the VIN plate and had even gotten a few speeding and parking tickets in the car. Finally the cop writing a ticket noticed the silicone sealant coming out from under the VIN plate. I got the car back after 6 months with new wheels/tires and a few other mods. That never would have happened if the cop stayed in his car and just mailed the ticket. ******** Okay.... now I await your judgement. Was it that tacky and does it really rank in the "red bean" category. ..
ummm.... and a red bean has what significance and value? Wouldn't his calling your post an "utterly tasteless whine" be orders of magnitude worse?
I green beaned you...hit enter early...I think it will say "o". LOL Also, read beaned both those dorks just because they are dork enough to use the reputation system! GHEY
I don't get the red bean crap either. Everybody wants to earn a green bean for helping someone, showing a cool mod,....etc.. I assumed a red bean was for being a total jerk of some sort. Bad-mouthing members, cutting down their cars....etc. Yes...I thought the member responses were more out of line (and more deserving of a red bean) than my own post. I still fully agree on this one. It started with public acceptance of red-light cameras. Just wait.....A couple of cops will come to your door some day and take you straight to jail. Uh...Sir we have already had court. No trial needed. The ticket was all the proof we needed. The judge gave you 3 days in jail. ..
Nathan, the whole bean thing is like status badges and it's only a status meter on that internet forum and it only means something to members on that forum who think having beans means something... umm, errr. It might actually mean something if there was a meta status so that members who actually were cool gave you larger beans than uncool members. Might be fun to start a game to screw with the bean economy over there . Like if we did it carefully under the radar we could have a draft for members over there. Then we'd all have a fantasy bean team and the object would be to see who could jack up their team's total bean count the most over some period of time. Everybody could buy a team over here for real dollars and after the season was over we could have a graduated payout of the prize fund. If you get caught or banned by management you get DQ'd from the fantasy league and lose your buy-in. If any of your players find out you get DQ'd. etc., etc., Strategies would include feeding your players cool beanable ideas, or carefully stirring the pot so someone else's players get red beaned. Naturally you could bean players yourself but you risk visibility and getting caught if you over do it. I think it could be fun.
Actually the bean count of the bean giver does determine the value (negative or positive) of the beans given. I read somewhere in one of the threads questioning the point of beans that the value of beans given is calculated based on a combination of the bean-giver's reputation and the number/frequency of posts they had on the forums. So say someone like me gives out beans, it makes a huge difference. Someone new to the forum, or with low rep or both, the difference is negligible. My only beef with that system is that you don't know what difference a reputation merit or demerit makes, only a loose idea of how many beans you had beforehand. I think I've maybe ever had one red bean and it was from someone with zero rep basically so it made no difference. I honestly wouldn't take it to heart or make a court case out of it. Schoolyard BS for the most part. As for the subject matter, its a big forum, you're bound to piss off someone and there are a number of LEOs, as well as folks spoiling for a reason to get all "wee-wee'd up" about something there. I do agree with the points you made. I also understand how its easy to hide behind cameras after a while when you get it in your head that the person in the car could have a gun and is having a very bad day already, but then again, why'd you sign up for a job with that kind of risk if you weren't prepared for the potential outcomes.
That would be so much fun! LOL I agree with you Nathan and I think I posted in that thread as well, your post was spot on, and funny at that! Still amazes me that they can get away with that, they couldn´t in Sweden... Fredrik:zorro:
I do like it when someone I respect recognizes me for something, and it means something to me if someone I respect dislikes or is offended by something I said or did. But I really don't care if anyone else knows about it.
If we had a rep system here, you would have loads of rep from this post. lol We never instituted a rep system on the "C" because of situations similar to this. And the whole popularity thing... The Rep system was invented for the sole purpose of giving those who contribute, do nice things, and have knowledge a status for those who do not know much and need to "Trust" words of wisdom. Obviously this is "Abused" and is rendered useless.
I believe the rep system is abused also. In the early days it seemed it was a lot harder to get a green bean. Now people that have been there less than 1 year have a whole row?? I guess you also have to be a "post whore" to "farm" more beans.
It is kinda crazy over there.... a while back I got a red bean for telling someone I loved there car..... what the heck; guess the other guy didn't! ????
Dude. There's NOTHING wrong with what you said, lol. I can see a LEO maybe getting a little upset about you maybe "degrating" their profession, at least they could INTERPRET it that way. However I didn't interpret it like you were doing that. I feel like NOTHING you said was misdirected, or intended to hurt. Lol, what the fuck ever bro......you're fine in my opinion.
Thanks for the answers. I didn't really see any thing so horribly wrong with it either. Actually a LEO could look a little deep into it and see a job future problem here. You could have division of the police department (iike parking meter enforcement division) that: 1. Didn't even have to carry firearms so no cost in training and supplies. 2. They ONLY would have to be trained in the Traffic Code. 3. They don't even need a vehicle just ride a bicycle and go to parking lots and wait on street corners. 4. All they do is write tickets for any visual infractions. 5. They could generate huge amounts of revenue. 6. They would cost far less and could displace a large amount of the existing police force. ..
I am the red bean king over there because they run it like a clique. Its funny stuff, if you bother to give it the time of day. They pm each other to "gang bean" people that they don't like. Its embarassingly funny. When you see videos of the actual people, its even funnier. Not necessarily a gauge of whether or not you have your facts straight or make sense or are even a "nice person", just whether or not you're in the cool club. My favorite quote was in response to someone asking someone else at a meet, why don't you like that guy, he's not lying about anything, he just tells it like it is, response (paraphrased): well, he just doesn't have to say all the things he says, he doesn't need to be that direct and be that harsh. Okay... Specifically, to your joke, the LEOs take their site prowess seriously, so you're going to get guff for that. I think some folks "fuel up" and find stuff that is old and cold and its new to them, so they zing away without looking at the date - bringing a zombie to the party, as it were. Whenever I hit the guardrails over there the same 8-10 flashmobber protectorate sack riders ride in with their white hats to get in an Ethugging. Never fails. Don't sweat it. Kiss your wife, kiss your kids take your boy fishing and drive your car - live your life and be thankful you're not part of a broken arrow internet clique that occupies a significant portion of your life. Not knocking on line communites, have made real friends on some of them, just the broken arrow internet cliques that occupy some of those communities. Then again, if they didn't build these anthills, I'd have to find something else to kick. between checking my email and buying crap for my cars.
That IS exactly what parking enforcement officers do. Been around for years and I don't see the need for actual LEOs decreasing b/c of them... I think people in general don't realize how few cops on any given shift actually enforce traffic. But since most of you are good people, the only time you talk to a cop is when getting a ticket. So in your minds, 100% of LEO interaction results in traffic/equipment infractions. Therefore every cop is out there enforcing VCs. And as a LEO, I caught the sarcastic nature of the first part of your post and didnt take the slightest offense to it... I just hope your not the type of person that will call my watch commander when one of us makes a sarcastic, smart ass comment to you in the field LOL.
We should all green bean Muellge over there for the post he made about the bean system over here? I see an opportunity here...:shifty: Beans should be a life thing and the sum of your total internet existence. Bean exchange service. If you join another site the service can transfer your bean status for you (for a small fee). Just because you join a new site you shouldn't have to start your forum life over again from scratch right? Enlist the Bean Exchange Service and their team of professional beaners will bean you up or down so you have the same rep everywhere