Remember when Bill Clinton said " I tried Maryjauna but didn't inhale" now his Lovely wifes people are pointing the finger at Barak Obahma for admitting he did some coke in college! He admitted this in his book before anyone brought it out in the open, since when is drinking Coca Cola a bad thing, Or why doesn't Mr. Obahama just say he tried it just didn't inhale, And whats wrong with a kid in kindergarten wanting to be President. Does anyone know Is O Bahma an Irish name? couldn't resist!
OBAMA OBAHHHHMAAA OBA MA OBAAA MOOOAAAAH OBA OBA OBA MA Just diggin sayin it a bunch of times in a row. Try it.
Yeah I think it's cool too! Kinda rolls off your lips! it's like one of thse happy sounds? That old 50s 60s name game song would work good on his name! Momma Momma Oh Bahmma Fee Fy Fo Famma Oh Bahma! ain't that how it goes? That or say it slowly while driveing over a real bumpy road or Draw bridge like we had back in Chicago, and made our parents nuts, OOOOOOOOOOhhhhhhhhhhhhhBaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhMaaaaaaaaaaaaa Shut up or I'll make you get out and walk! Ahhh brings back memories.
she is doing it for two reasons.... 1 - she honestly thinks the american public are morons that can't remember what they had for breakfast, let alone what her idiot husband did..... 2 - she is obviously feeling a wee bit threatened by this guy..... i actually like the guy. cool name, not afraid to let out the dirt in his closet, and his family life is not any kind of norman rockwell upbringing.....
It kind of bugs me though that Oprah is soooooo lovin him when in all actuality, de doesn't have much experience....this does not go to say that he couldn't do a better job than the current president lol...Sheesh, I think Borat could do a better job..dont worry, our Prime Minister is a dork too. On the bright side though, his name could be a suitable replacement for those meditation yoga types. Instead of's OOOOOOHHHHHHH BAAAAAAAAMMMMMMMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Ah, feel better now.
i see your point milan..... but he has almost as much as many of the other candidates on both sides...... i have not really followed the oprah thing much, but arsenio hall had billy boy on his show, so i guess a precedent has been set!!! hahahahaha
I can't see how being a governor, or senator can be equal to running a country of 50 states and territories, the day of public servants are gonen our politicians are just full of themselves, pumped up with info from pr people and speach writers, When we American finnaly get it and shut off the faucet of lobbyist and corporations, and elite organazations with deep pocket We might finnaly get actual leaders that will govern for a change rather than go on tour and entertain there constituants,
I think you guys are right...change is sometimes better accomplished when it's outside the media hoopla over experience, kronyism and whatever other PR ploy campaign managers sell to the public. I think someone who fesses up to doing Coke is a better representation that someone who lies over having sex with an intern and not inhaling. Although, my wife says, if Hilary Clinton was elected (not that I'd like to see this at all) but you guys would actually be getting 2 presidents for one in her husband.
Or did we have Two First Ladies from 1992 to 2000? It's just I wonder who wears the "PANTS" pants in that family? and who knows Chelsea may run in 2020?
heck...Hillary was President from 1992 to 2000....she should be disqualified since she already ruled for 8 yrs...
Our country is full of this! I love how people get all worked up during election time. These A-holes tell everyone what they will do if they are elected, then they get into office and do whatever the hell they want! :blowup:
She screwed him after her last show...Her friend Gail got jealous and Stedman said he felt embarassed by the whole thing. lol...If he wasn't running, she'd be supporting the female candidate.. Haha, ya I think I know more about American politics than Canadian. Windsor is the most Americanized city in Canada...we don't even go by the metric system here really unless we're talking kms per hour...I still don't quote temps in Celsius. Plus we're surrounded by American media being across the cesspool called the Detroit River. Canada is full of this shiite too. In fact, I voted for a fricken liberal candidate in the provincial elections who right after he got in raised taxes when he said he would cut them. I sent out a hit. lol And ya Rick, Brian Mulroney was a Prime Minister...a few weeks ago they named him in an grand jury type investigation for taking in over 300000 dollars int his personal account from a lobbyist. He's gonna be roasted as more details come out.
The definition of Politician is a person who promotes their own policies "agenda" A public servant is one who serves the people who elect him. Whats someone who works for Lobbyists?..... a Whore? we really do need to get rid of the electoral college! Here's a very useful political tool Provides an easy interface into the connection between campaign finances and legislative bills and votes. Cross-reference U.S. congressional and California state ...