I found this on e-bay... Wait!, It gets better... Notice the HOLES DRILLED into the dash No wonder they only want $11000 for it... http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/2007-Dodge-Caliber-SXT-REAR-CAMERA-DVD-PARKTRONIC_W0QQitemZ260200445172QQihZ016QQcategoryZ140211QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem They could have at least hid the holes where the cables have to go through the dash
Oops, the auction isnt valid any more, but you should have seen the spelling errors in the ad too, it was almost as gross as the "install" job
Yes, the mod of the forum or anyone in Management can move, edit, or delete threads/posts. Where did you want to move it to Leep? Then I will yell at Maureen for not doing her job. lol Oh yea, she was with me grocery shopping. hehe I'll yell at her anyway.
WOW!!, HAHAAHAHA, its not enough that the DRILL a hole on the top of the dash were everyone can see it, THEY DRILL 2 HOLES!!, WTF!? is 1 not enough ? Crazy people!
I have to say that if someone installed that like that in my vehicle he would require plastic surgery after I saw it. Unreal.
ya pretty much...actually that reminds me, i need to bring over my mopar fog light thread to show you all how my dealer leasantry: installed leasantry: my lights...
Ron it was really cool getting to know ya. Lemme know where she buries you so I can send flowers. As far as the install "there are two things that are infinite, human stupidity and the universe and I am not quite sure about the universe.--A. einstein"