Long story short.... Mine came out. I need a new one. Any leads on where to acquire it? Longer story: I was driving on the I-8 west coming out of el centro, ca at about 10:30 PM when something smacked my windshield with a purpose. I figured since it was crazy windy and I was coming up on a big rig, that perhaps he had run over something and launched it at me. Since my windshield didn't break or even crack, I didn't think anything of it. It wasn't until I got home and parked in the garage under the light that I saw it was my hood scoop insert that went into the window. If I had known, I would have stopped and gone back for it. That's about it. Car looks naked without it.
Well.... Never mind. I just checked MOPAR super center and they have them in stock. Not sure why I didn't check there earlier.