Chuck, Sorry to hear about the bullshit. I as well have been trying to call Carlos and nothing is coming of it. I have a slight issue with the car coming out of idle so I called Russ and he picked up. He sent me a new tune with the slight mod and thats it. He explained while in this move he will charge for any type of tune he builds for the Techco cars. PERIOD! The way its looking for me right now ... The whole car club dramas and dealing with this blower have me leaning towards just selling the car. I'm just angry as hell. Just go back to driving a pile of shit Honda and live life large. Anhow Chuck ... I hope it works out for you in some damn way. As for Cam ... The dude is way above the rest! I dont think he ever sleeps. Thanks Cam for all you do for us LX heads.
Well thats all fine and dandy,still no excuse for letting it get this far.As i have no dog in this fight it just makes me sad to see good people get bit.
I honestly believe if we really had the info from the "little fly on the wall" we would be more careful doling out hard earned money to some vendors. I'm not pointing my finger at Techco, but more to the business operations who are operating marginally, be it personnel or financially. Perhaps the tough economy has something to do with this. Hope all turns out well for all involved. I know I have had more than one sleepness night during my build process and look forward to getting things finished.
I don't see anything wrong with what Tony said...I've had my share of bullshit....avoidance and lies are the worst. That is why you should always deal locally every time you will help hold people accountable. Seems a honest automotive parts dealer is an oxymoron...Cept for Cam...he da man!
wow cam are you watching me right now? I light the bong and scrolled down to see that and laughed my ass of when I saw that icon