Sequel to 144 Hey Grinner, great videos, just wanted to know when the Sequel to 144 is gonna be out, the title ...maybe... 144 and Court ...or Court 101 . Na really, great video... Drag Racing 101, Doc
Thanks for that. I have been once before, but never with nitrous. It's a complete set-up and everything, but are there any extra limitations, or things i should know about that the techs look for with a nitrous set-up?
Thats awesome! Cool video's! Did you make the police officer work for his pay? I did that once and only once.Happened with the truck.i could have pulled over faster if i really wanted to!He was not impressed.
I don't think I did. He was off duty and seemed to enjoy doin' tripple digits. lol thats how I got to go home that night.