This is a condensed version of jibber jabber you may have read from me elsewhere... Finally got a decent installed picture, so the job is done! I got a pair of OEM style fogs from Rock Auto, a pair of 100mm halos with 33 SMDs each, and a pair of LED H10 bulbs with 21 SMDs each. 108 little lights, total! Used a coping saw for a nice clean cut, and some silicone adhesive to seal it all back up... Up close with one: The pair: I had a 4-way wireless remote that I was going to use to control the halos separately from the fog bulbs, but I bailed on that. I bought these H10 extension cables solely to use to splice in the halo power wires to the fog power wires... Then I used some heat shrink tubing over butt splice connectors to attach them, and put some spiral wrap over it to complete it... The red/black wire seen inside the one lens (halo power fed through the vent hole) is on the top of the fog, so you only see it once installed if you are laying on the ground. Finishing step was some fairly heavy weight lens film on each... Bought a small sheet of it, cut out two 100mm circles and it went on easy... You can't even see it in the image above, but it is there! I took a ton of pictures and I (almost) captured the look seen by the naked eye with this one... One other new upgrade is almost showing in the image above... I put 275/40 Yokohama Prada Spec-X's all around this week, too... The LEDs don't improve my visibility of the road, but they do improve my visibility!