DIY: Armrest Tray Liners

Discussion in 'How-To/Tech Database' started by Kevan, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Kevan

    Kevan SRT-10 Owner

    Likes Received:
    Dec 15, 2007
    New Albany, OH

    This DIY article will show you a very cheap, easy, and quick way to add liners to the tray inside the armrest of the Ram SRT-10 trucks.
    This modification will work with other vehicles as well.

    PRICE: About $10.
    TIME: About 20 minutes.

    Tools & Supplies required:
    - (1) roll of tray liner
    - Roll of masking tape
    - Scissors (as sharp as you can get them)
    - A couple of sheets of legal paper
    - Sharpie

    The trays inside the armrest are a great feature in these vehicles, but I've noticed that some of the things I put in there either get scratched up, or scratch up the tray itself.
    Here's what's in my tray normally:

    When we empty it out, you can see some of the scratching going on:
    It's not terrible, but it's not pretty either. :grin:

    I thought about those drawer liners you see at home improvement stores, but they usually come in really 'kitchen-y' colors, like "Ivory" and "Eggshell":

    While at Lowe's one day, I spot the same type of drawer liner, but in a color that will match the tray:

    To begin, I used some legal size sheets of paper to draw rough outlines of the spaces:

    I just felt for the edges as I ran the Sharpie along the side. I only need it to be close; not exact.

    I continued to trim the paper until they rested perfectly inside their respective tray areas:
    If you take out a little too much, just add some masking tape to that section and re-cut it.

    I then transfered the paper shapes to the liner material.
    Since the liner material is black, I needed something that the Sharpie would show up on, so I masked the perimeter of the paper templates:


    The transfers were then cut out:

    I left them a little big. It's easier to trim a little than to start over. :grin:

    The masking tape on the edges made it really easy to trim and re-test fit. I did it a bunch of times with each liner:

    When you have the shape you like, remove the masking tape.
    CAREFULLY! It can rip/tear the liner if you're not careful.

    The end result is a nice tight fit that won't slide around:

    Now we can put all our stuff back in:


    ©2008 Kevan J. Geier
    All Rights Reserved
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  2. 1bad4dr

    1bad4dr Mr. Meany

    Likes Received:
    Oct 10, 2007
    Corn Country
    Now se, that is just awesome.

    Would have never thought of that.

    Guess I have a project this weekend for Maureen's trukita.

    Thanks Kevan.
  3. bee0912

    bee0912 Rumble Bee 0912

    Likes Received:
    Jan 24, 2008
    Columbus, OH
    Nice Kevan That looks great! did you make one for the bottom storage bin? you know the one where Russ keeps his blowup doll!!!?????