I thought we were supposed to be getting updates as they came in? Do you have a wireless card? You could post updates every couple of hours on the way back.
Goddammit, I thought I had a flight plan for the 767 to be landing at the coffee/exotic meet tomorrow????? Damn, I'll be out of town the next weekend. Can't wait to see the upgrade brudda...
haha you are a nut Gary. Well, the next breakfast meet you attend 1bad4dr will be in full dress. haha
you must bring the camera........ we want to see your version of this: have a safe and sane drive home ron!!!! :whistle:
bwahahahahahahaha I have one of those (no pictures though) and a ticket to go with it. hahahahahahahaha Yea, me too. But, from what has been told to me (sorry, I can not spill the beans just yet), you will likey for your monster build.
Can't wait to see it brudda, I'm going to put all hats and other loose articles in the car with the windows up...
Ron, I would consider bringing the radar detector over the camera, it’s going to be hard to keep your foot out of the accelerator on the way back home.
hahaha I don't need no stinkin radar detector. hahaha My collection of high speed tickets are proof I don't use one. hahahahaha
Congrats Ron! I heard big big things about your set-up! Gonna be sick! My big boost pully is being mounted today. Yaaa Hoooo! Ill see you wednesday.
I hope so buddy, if I get out your way this year I definately wanna see your beast in person and hopefully see you run.