I don't know what you're talking about :bigwink: that's called pest control, right...the neighbors are terrific, beautiful pool, club house, work out area, beautiful live oak trees...gorgeous! Ready to buy? Had another "meeting" with animal control today...while we were discussing the issue in the parking area, one of my neighbors cats came walking up..he said.."Is this what you're talking about?" :boxed: Duh!
Now that really sucks!!! So what happend? Curious as hell, did you raise bad blood with the neibours or did you just not get anywhere with animal laws etc? Or did you get sued for not letting the cat crap on your car? (To me that would be really funny, not for you but the because your system is SO different from ours.) Fredrik:friends:
Can someone PLEASE host that vid, I can´t but I sure would. 30 min of vid will take me an hour and a half to download at home but I´ll go somewhere else to do it. Did you catch the wrong cat?LOL Fredrik
We've decided to list the Condo with a Realtor, and buy a new home a little farther south east of BR. We could use the room, and the yard and maybe a pool, kids love the pool. I went an talked to my neighbor and told him i am leaving, that car people and cat people can't coincide in a Condo complex, cats will always be out. He admitted he can't keep the cats out, soon as he cracks the door they shoot out, he physically isn't able, I told him i understand, and I'll leave, find a new place for my family and leave, wished him luck.
I´m impressed, sorry all animallovers but I would never let an animal dicide when or if I leave. Fredrik
I hear ya, but he is 84 years old and battling sickness, i just felt like it was the best thing to do considering. I need a bigger place anyway, 1500 sq/ft, 3 kids, 2 adults and 2 dogs can get crampy quick. When I bought the place, i was single and 2 kids...Time for an upgrade. Good time of the year to sell here, some very attractive tax incentives right now, we have a few other financial reasons that now is the time, so what the hell, i'll move....I have relatives in the area i want to go to also...it's more than just about the cats. It's just time to move on. I rented some storage for the time being, and started moving my stuff and packing today. I'll post up some pics for giggles...I did manage to capture one cat, twice within 10 min. The owner released the cat the first time, hence the police and animal control being involved...that night was a real mess...It felt like an episode of Cops...lol.
The saga...lol I'll try and make it brief....Called animal control, they said put a trap out, call them, and they come get the animal. You can rent a trap from them or put your own out, either way is fine and legal. Called HOA and got authorization..I purchased a 12x12x36 trap from Harbor freight on a Sunday, set it out and Monday, locked with pad lock to a pole just in front of my car. When I returned home from work that next Monday eve the trap was tripped, but no cat inside. I called AC again, and reported it, they said I need to get proof of owner releasing and they would issue a summons. So I purchased a game camera with motion sensor. The eve i was setting up the camera outside and heard the trap trip. I went out the gate to see my neighbors fat ass fluffy tom cat with a bell around it's neck in the cage. I called AC again, they said they couldn't come right away, to keep the animal trapped until morning. I explained it was meowing very loud and the owners will probably let it out. He asked if I could secure it with a lock until morning. I said sure, if that's what you are saying I should do, your decision. He said yes to do that, and if he could get finished with a livestock situation soon enough, he would come by and get the animal...I was looking for a lock when I heard someone messing with the trap again. Before I could get outside, the cat was let out AGAIN! I reset the trap...5 min later, i trapped him again...same cat! I hurried up outside, and locked the trap, plus it was already locked to the parking cover pole...so it wasn't going anywhere. I called AC again...he said take pictures and if you hear or see anyone to video and take pics, he was tied up with live stock and couldn't come...I said Dude, you need to come, this is going to be a situation in a hurry, i'm telling you, you need to come, or send police, but someone needs to come. I get off the phone and my wife grabs the video camera. We stand buy our gate and listen..I hear the cage rattling again, so we walk outside and start videoing the woman neighbor trying the release the animal AGAIN...this time she can't and is pissed, she starts banging on the cage, yelling at me to let it out...police came, she went inside, the old man was rambling about all kinda crazy shit, another unit shows up, animal control was called by them, they discuss, we all sit there till 2 a.m. waiting on AC to get there. The call AC again, they say maybe by 4 am, but not likely till 6-7 a.m. one officer talks to me more, and puts pressure on me to release the animal and they will put it all in the report blah blah...i caved and released the cat to the owner...Crazy night. And that's the short version.