Ron, that was awesome! See attached pics of what i'm dealing with...I've sent the pics to the HOA row rep. and wait his response for further action.
First of all, you can call me a fag all you want. But DON'T YOU DARE shoot those cats!!! Unless you're a fuckin trained military sniper, you could hit them in the head/ear/eye and ruin their life!! I'm a SEVERE lover of animals, and that shit aint right....... I TOTALLY understand your frustration Kyle. And if that were my car, boooooy I'd be pissed as hell too. But I would NEVER purposely hurt an animal like that. Try the spray. Talk to the professor. Talk to the HOA. Between the three of those options, I'm certain you won't have to shoot a damn thing..... Sorry, I just get VERY PROTECTIVE when it comes to pets. Animals deserve as much love and attention as a child. And when people talk of deliberately hurting them, I get a little fired up.
I don't let my child roam on other peoples cars....or my pets. I'm as much an animal lover as the next guy ( I have two dogs, two cats, and an aquarium) but I still say shoot the fucker. With a BB gun...I'm not into the whole death to pets thing.....
I'm not into animal cruelty, but I will always put a child's life/well-being before an animal's. Otherwise I'd be a vegetarian. There's got to be something to be done about that situation, Kyle, without resorting to shooting/maiming anything, since that'll only make it harder on you. Maybe paint the car up like a really really huge hungry rabid snarly dog?
I am like Chase I cant stand to see an animal hurt....but I dont have a cat for one reason...they make foot prints on vehicles....I havent killed one but I have hauled the neighbor's cat away because it visited my vehicles too wife brought home a stray cat once....I gave her 48hrs to find it a home....she did...
Okay, I knew there was going to be some misinterpretation on this, lol..... I DON'T MEAN AN ANIMAL IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOUR CHILD. What I mean by what I said above, is that you wouldn't shoot a kid, so why in the hell would you shoot a house pet??? I'm not talking about a wild fucking animal here. I'm talking about a domesticated animal. There's no reason to result to violence....... That's all I meant......
I've thought about taking my yorkie or weenie (or both) and just tossing them on top of the neighbors car in plain sight. I've contemplated MANY retaliations. After all, i AM an asshole...but, the soft heart in me just can't be a dick to old man Prof. Virgil...I just have too much damn respect. I sent the pics to the Row Rep. and will attend a meeting on Monday to discuss the problem. If nothing happens, i will trap the cats and dump them 100 miles away in a deserted area. Hey, better than death, because that was my FIRST choice. I don't shoot to mame ANYTHING, and have spent many thousands of rounds through a plethora of weapons. I can place lead inside a nats ear hole at 100 meters. Growing up, my father owned a gun shop, and i've been an avid hunter since birth. If I squeeze one off, it won't be to scare, mame, or ruin their's for the dirt nap. THAT ISN'T THE PLAN cool ya panties Chase After the meeting on Monday, i'll have a better assessment of the situation, and I'll report back.
Squirt gun, supper soaker or hose sprayer and nail then every time you can. We had our cat trained very well that way, not allowed in the kitchen or on upholstered chairs and I don't recall my cat popping the nails out when we did it. You think thats bad, a family friend of ours was a State Trooper and pretty anal about how clean his cruiser was (think he had a notch back 5.0 at the time). So him and his wife were living on a pretty descent piece of property and already had some horses and cows so they decide to get some goats also. The first morning he comes out of the house to find 5-6 goats on top of his car and he just looses it and runs inside to grab his .357 but at some point realizes that if he misses he might hit the car so he decides instead to run out side waving his arms and scares the shit out of these goats literally that and they scattered leaving hoof marks and shit all over the car He got rid of the goats that day
LOL...I've seen this happen...well not a police car, but a car none the less. It's in their DNA to be on the highest peak they can be in the environment they're in. When you wrote he was getting his .357. I was waiting on him to open fire and swiss cheese the car...Kinda like shooting a snake in a boat...Instinct says it's a good idea, but reality is a bitch.
My wife came outside to this, this morning when she went to leave for work on her Infiniti M35S...She was PISSED! Thumbnail one, shows tracks, number two is either cat vomit or shit. These pics were forwarded to the HOA also. We attended the HOA meeting last night, action are being taken by them (fines and letter), and we will be on the phone with the local SPCA to see what can be done.
I have to go there and rent a trap (refundable when returned), then call them back once I trap the animal for pick up. Don't worry, I'll take pics.
Okay, have LOTS to report on this issue, but will wait until tomorrow to post. Lots of pics and stories...will be more for documentation than advice, but may be interesting to someone.
Holy shit...was up till 3:00 am with police, animal control, and owners of an animal i trapped with this shit...i even have 30 min of video. If anyone wishes to host and post let me know.
Cat took a friggin dump on the hood? That cat already knows you don't like it. Cats are like that. I sort of thought that painting a stripe around the car with cat repellant would work. Then you don't have to worry about the repellant on your car. ..
that looks like vomit to me and i have a cat. no luck on training this 15 yr old cat to stay off crap because my wife lets the cat jump on the counter and table to eat with her. pisses me off but at least it stays inside and not on the car. the neighbors cat is another story.
As of today, i have a Condo for sale and willing to deal...I'm sick of this shit. I'm growing very tired of people.