Maybe I will be the witch of the "WEST" for Halloween ........ This is the regional forum for the West, correct? Wouldn't wanna be going the wrong way on my turbo broom :mains: :mains: :mains:
Or even any garage for that matter! :hypno: I could try and squeeze it in my garage next to the Queen - hehehe Although once they make it in there, they usually don't come out for long periods of time -
I :love: my garage. It beats sitting out in the cold waiting for the car to warm up...and it doesn't even get that cold here in Georgia.
I have relatives in Georgia - maybe you know some of them? I'm not sure exactly who they are, but I think you would recognize them if you saw them - LOL :blush: :blush: :blush: :sweat:
Garages dont help you drive them when that is what it looks like outside haha. Snow melts, but the salt stays till May...the Charger doesnt see much road time when salt is down. oh yeah the trucks have all had remote start. The "comfort start" setting in the rams is AWESOME. If its hot out, it turns on the AC and Ventilated Seats for me without me having to pre set it or anything. If its cold out, it turns on the heat, defroster/defogger, heated seats and heated steering wheel....again, without me having to preset anything. awesome.....
I should start mine and see which one it has - LOL Got her ran up the other day just to make sure she was still alive out there :blush: :blush: :blush: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: She was!!!
I gotta look it up, I don't know what it is :cry: :worthy: :cry: Mine is 5 model years before that feature
hahaha yeah aside from the Ram not fitting in our garage, that is her "comfort start" haha. My truck stays out in the cold haha
hahahaha it really just means i need to get working harder on getting a place with at least a 3 car garage, with one bay big enough for the Ram