Well I was on Paseo Del Norte (our small highway) earlier at about 12:30pm heading into town, when a new Black 135i gets next to me, with a semi young guy driving it. He had a buddy with him, and he stayed near my door. I decided to bite, and shifted into 3rd gear. He hit the gas before I did, and I was on his fender, at about 75mph, I started to catch up, but had to shut down due to traffic. BMW beats me by about half a car. We get ahead of traffic, and we decide to do it again. This time I am ready in 3rd gear, and we take off at the same time. I begin to pull pretty good, put about a car on him and then shift into 4th gear. I get about 1 1/2 - 2 cars ahead (hard to tell) and then shut down due to traffic coming up. I took the win on that run. He then gets over to the far lane and then we give each other the friendly wave. Car was looking good. Very sleek and very quick. Great job BMW! Gabriel
Yeah honestly BMW did right with the 1 series and it's RWD if you can believe that, they brought back the old school sport BMW and priced it right, good kill they have tons of torque
wow..... nice job on the killl but honestly i thought the 135 was faster than that. for that money it should be lol. and i was going to consider one, not anymore!
Yep... 300hp Twin-Turbo Inline 6. :shifty: Sarah will have one, after we get back from the wedding. :magic: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZGwpifULe4
that was really gay how they threw an 02 m3 into that comparison between the 1 series and the 3 series and shomehow came out as the winner??
hmm, that should be a standard safety feature. I know that my Charger has it and my former 06 Charger R/T and 2500 Cummins had it.
We get ahead of traffic, and we decide to do it again. This time I am ready in 3rd gear, and we take off at the same time. I begin to pull pretty good, put about a car on him and then shift into 4th gear. I get about 1 1/2 - 2 cars ahead (hard to tell) and then shut down due to traffic coming up.