FYI Here is what the responsibilities are for working the vent (That you will get in free if you come help out!!! :king: )
If anyone is going to Atco, but not racing and you want to be in the car show, we can get you in free! My club the Black Mustang Club is the Host Club, so we help with the car show and anyone who is part of our "helper team" gets in free. Here's some info on what the light duties are: and it's really just a matter of arriving by 7a Sat and Sun and lending a hand parking cars, etc. We are looking for a few more people to help us out (many of our Mustang guys are at Carlisle the same weekend), so if you can help us out, please PM me. Thanks, Lisa.
That is exactly right! With enough people you are only asked to work a couple of hours but we have to have enough to rotate. You are done by the time awards start at 3 (usually by 2 you are done) so there is plenty of time left to see everything. That means more time to hang out with friends and visit the bar!!!:grin: