2nd Annual Mopar Nationals drag racing and BBQ Meet n Greet When: Saturday July 17th and Sunday July 18th Gates open at 8:00 am Where: Woodburn dragstrip 7730 HWY 219 Woodburn, OR (503) 982-4461 Schedule: - Saturday - ET Race (non-points) & Test-N-Tune 8:00 am - ? Reserved lane for NWLX crew $40 per racer, $10 for non racers (Last years price:will doublecheck prices) Reserved parking and bbq area for those coming to hang out and watch Parking area and chill spot will be reserved for Sunday's Mopar Nationals Day!!!! - Sunday - Car Show & Time Trials 9 am - 1 pm Eliminations at 1 pm - Car Show Awards at 2 pm Adult $15, Child 6-14 $5, Under 6 Free, Racer $35, Car Show $20, Swap Meet Space $20 (last years prices: will double check prices) From the Woodburn dragstrip website: It's Mopar or no car at this popular event! See Dodge, Chrysler, Plymouth, AMC and Jeep products race down the 1/4-mile. Mopar enthusiasts' day at the track includes a car show, drag racing, swap meet, and much more! Event is hosted by Mopar Muscle Cars. List of attendees and plans: (race, watch, car show) 1. tmac06srt8...race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 2. BluBee....race (Sat) / race (Sun) 3. LMSVPR.......race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 4. Blueboy455....race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 5. CRSMSL.......race (Sat) / race (Sun) 6. Dutchgirl.......race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 7. MiniHemi.......race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 8. Slims Magnum.......race (Sat) /race (Sun) 9. Challengingtimes.......race (Sat) / ????(Sun) 10. Alikazam.......?????(Sat) / ??????? (Sun) 11. Mojojeep.......race (Sat) / watch or race (Sun) 12. MadmanAdam...race (Sat) / race (Sun) 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.