A custom Late-Model HEMI Shootout jacket and $1,000 shopHEMI.com gift certificate will be awarded to one Late-Model HEMI Shootout participant in honor of Mark Burkhardt, a shopHEMI.com employee and good friend of the NMCA who passed away in 2009. The winner will be the person who shopHEMI.com, the late-model HEMI community, and the NMCA recognize as contributing the most to the growth and success of the Late-Model HEMI movement in 2012. The NMCA and shopHEMI.com will be accepting nominations for this prestigious award. If you would like to submit a nominee for the 2012 Mark Burkhardt Ambassador of the Year award please e-mail your name to [email protected] by April 15, 2012. Please include "Mark Burkhardt Ambassador of the Year Nominee" in the e-mail subject line. NMCA and shopHEMI.com will post the three nominees for this award by April 20th and voting will be held until May 1. The winner of the award will be announced at the Late-Model HEMI Shootout participant party on Friday, June 8, at the lM HEMI Shootout Racers Appreciation Party. Thank you, NMCA & shopHEMI.com